How do we use
science in everyday life?
Pretty much everything we do in our
daily lives consists of science underlying it. From using a simple calculator,
to closing of the door as well as using bigger washing machines, the entire
world is made of science and its numerous innovations have only made it easier
for us to spend our lives more comfortably than ever. Without science and its
inventions, the society will surely reach the stone ages and we will no longer
be able to live a sophisticated life. Imagine your life without electricity,
fuel, vehicles and plastic, pretty incomplete right? So here are a few uses of
science in our everyday life.
of science in everyday life
Science made communication possible
Have you ever wondered how different our life will be without
the mobile phones,
landlines and internet services that we use today? GPS systems,
telephone, telefax, laptops, etc. everything is a gift of science and there is
no way we can imagine our life without these. All these inventions of science
has brought the world close to us and has made the sharing and transfer of
information possible from one corner of the world to another.
In the field of medicine
know that the advancement in science is the reason why today we have found the
cure for millions of diseases and ailments. Heart transplants and various such
critical medical procedures are only possible due to science and its
innovations. Doctors can see the inside of our body with the help of X- ray
which is yet another notable discovery of science.
Source of energy
discovery of atomic energy has made it possible for us to invent all the
advanced forms of energy that we use in our everyday life. Electricity is also
a result of this innovation which has given man the power to turn his nights
into days and hence work for longer hours. The television and radio that
provide us with entertainment and relaxation are also gifts of science.
Each and every machine that we use
from a simple calculator to using high end home appliances, science is a part
of our existence. Starting from the time when we wake up using an alarm clock
to the time when we hit the bed at night, each and everything we do in office
and at home involved the use of science.
Kids playing in the playground
flying of a simple kite involves science in the fact that it involves the angle
of elevation, speed as well as distance.
Cooking also involves science
ice cube that we make at our homes is a perfect example of melting as well as
freezing. The processes of evaporation and condensation involved in cooking are
also a proof that science is all around us.
Wastage of food is also science
you have left a piece of bread and mould formation takes place on it. Or let us
talk about tinned peas, pineapples, peaches, etc. This decomposition and
preservation phenomenon is also science.
you believe it or not, even the blowing of wind involves an essence of science
in it.